<3 <3 <3 I LOVE PAPYRUS XDDDDDDDD Comment by Hj Tanner Idk why but I love you now Comment by Ruby Ginsberg He would even murder a human numerous times. LETS SEE HOW YOU LIKE BLUE MODE You can solve my puzzles if your able If you want, we can have some NOODLES. Papyrus is alot more powerful than his Undertale counterpart since he wouldnt hesitate to kill creatures like himself. Time to fight me if you think your tough Ill roll up my bones to show you I get rough. I respect whatever decision they may of made, and I'll remove at the. What I think that you all need is to chill your bones, theres no one better Time to bring some jovial chatter. Papyrus what the hell Comment by Francis Louise J Dalidig With the original upload unlisted, I want to keep this up for archival purposes.No hate. So serious What I think that you all need is to chill your bones.

I don’t see why they are saying this as nowhere in the game it says or even hints towards him being strong. 19, 2018 1 viewer 8.5K views 14 Contributors Stronger Than You (Papyrus Response) Lyrics You're all fighting. When Undyne used green soul magic, enemy will not be able to move more or teleport, but enemy still can move their arms and head. Can manipulate spears and use green soul magic. He makes a hurtful comment then makes a compliment wth Comment by Cecilgamerīeware tis guy he is a motherfuc*er he wants to fuc* ur mother and wants to have se* with you Comment by Cecilgamer ago by Shadowwolf5928 SPOILER Papyrus stronger then sans situation So I’ve seen many people saying papyrus is stronger than sans, even my friends. Underfell Undyne has the same abilities as her Undertale counterpart, stronger than her counterpart like other Underfell characters. According to the plot, you are in a terrible dungeon. This is a horror genre, so you will be very scared to play the game. This is another game from the category of Undertale games. Ye there is a reason, bc ur all so dumb you never seen a human dic* heads Comment by Cecilgamerīro he done it again. Played: 915 Tags: Action Games Undertale Games Here is an interesting Underfell Papyrus game in which you will have to meet new monsters. I don't wanna lose my head anyway bc then I would die Comment by Cecilgamer YAY NO MORE PAPYRUS THAT MAKES ME CONFUSED Comment by Cecilgamer I LOVE PAPYRUS!!! But ngl I hate his like fanon personality and misconceptions of his character like for example him being a softie or hating puns when he makes more puns than sans in the game (papyrus makes 14 puns, sans makes 6) but yea Comment by Cecilgamer Sans bypasses durability, and hes very capable of fighting someone stronger than him. Comment by Mann Co.This is amazing Comment by ☆ Wish this was called, "THE COOLEST 30 SECONDS YOU'LL EVER HEAR!!" Since this was, indeed, the coolest 30 seconds I've ever heard. Its a beautiful day TO BE BURNING IN HELL. You know, its frisk and not chara I KNOW TAHT,and ill give you an heart da. now to confront the dark lord renia lane Comment by 96 Think that you can try to spare me like Im some pawn Well, you didnt spare my brother, SO GET DUNKED ON The flowers are in bloom as the birds will tell. Parodie à cher de stronger than you de Sans-Questions - Answers 1.

And I decided to try to get back into SFM and animate it. Papyrus but "!" Comment by transphobic underfell sans So I recently found this version of 'Stronger Than You' of the Papyrus version.